Summer School: Peaks, Sites and Cycles, 14-16 July 2015

The call for applications for the 2015 DEMAND Centre Summer School is now closed.

Summer School 2015 will focus on Peaks, Sites and Cycles; the temporal and spatial dynamics of energy and mobility demand. These are critical issues in the social sciences, and for practical efforts to reduce and manage peak loads in energy and mobility. Participants, along with researchers and academics from the DEMAND Centre will explore a variety of concepts and approaches for studying social space and temporalities of daily life. We will use these ideas to consider a range of questions including: how and why do patterns of daily life vary across space and change over time? In what ways do technologies, interfaces and infrastructures co-constitute these patterns? How are assumptions of time and space imagined and incorporated into future visions, strategies and policies?

The 3 intensive days will be academically challenging and fun, with presentations, indoor and outdoor workshops and networking activities.  Applications are invited from research students, early career researchers and practitioners.

FURTHER DETAILS.  If you have any questions please get in touch with Nicola Spurling.

How to apply

  • Complete and submit the online application form.
  • Email (as one attachment) to Nicola Spurling a short CV of two pages maximum and a one page explanation of why you want to attend the summer school – this should include some reflections on how the summer school is relevant to your current research, and what you hope to get from participating in the event.


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