Selby, J. Royston, S., Shove, E. (2017) Report [.pdf] from a one-day conference [.pdf] at the UK Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
Presentations from all Evidence Sessions from the Commission on Travel Demand are now available after the final Evidence Session 6 was held at the end of November 2017
New cross cutting research insight: The Last Mile and the Next Day: The changing times and spaces of shopping – implications for energy demand [.pdf]
Giulio Mattioli has co-guest edited a special issue of Transport Policy titled “Household transport costs, economic stress and energy vulnerability”, linked to the themes of (t)ERES, one of DEMAND’s ‘linked projects’. The special issue has been in the making since 2015, when a 2-day international workshop was held at the University of Leeds. The issue includes 13 papers from a number of (mostly European) countries. The spectrum of social science disciplines covered is wide, ranging from anthropological studies inspired by notions of social practices to mainstream economics. All articles, including the editorial, are now available online. A complete list of articles with hyperlinks is available on the output page of the (t)ERES project website.