
Talk: What do we really know about energy demand? Gordon Walker

Presentation by Gordon Walker on ‘What do we really know about demand?’ at PCEEE Conference (Portugal em Conferencia Para Uma Economica Energeticamente Eficiente), Lisbon, Portugal, 20 June 2014

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Talk: The Future of Transport Policy: Was Einstein Right? Greg Marsden

Professor Greg Marsden, Inaugural Lecture, University of Leeds: 18 March 2014 Read the transcript of the lecture and see further details about the event here.

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Spatial Variation in Energy Use, Attitudes and Behaviours: Implications for Smart Grids and Energy Demand, 7 February 2014

Whilst publicly available data on the spatial variation of existing energy demand has improved significantly in recent years (e.g. DECC Sub-national Energy Consumption Statistics), the focus of analysis is still overwhelmingly at the national or regional level. However, local and regional variation in energy use habits, in perceptions and uptake of low carbon technologies (electric vehicles,…

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Talk: Timing and Synchronisation of social practices

Presentation on issues of the timing and synchronisation of social practices and the implications for energy and mobility, given at DECC, December 2013.

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Car dependence: Micro-, macro- and meso-approaches to the study of social barriers to sustainable transport. Giulio Mattioli

Giulio set out what might be thought of as an ‘anatomy’ of car dependence, distinguishing between representations of car dependence as a characteristic of people, places or practices. He went into detail, thinking about the forms of disadvantage that might be involved, depending on the specific interaction between people and places (who has a car, how much does having a car matter, where…

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