
Talk: The mobility intensity of everyday practices: Identifying sequences of activities in terms of their travel characteristics, Giulio Mattioli, Jillian Anable & Katerina Vrotsou

Presentation from the International Association for Time Use Research (IATUR), Åbo Akademi University, University of Turku, Finland, 30 July - 1 August 2014. (more…)

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Unsustainable practices: Why electric cars are a failure of ambition

By Nicola Spurling, Lancaster University and Dan Welch, University of Manchester Originally published on Talking Climate  (more…)

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Car dependence: Micro-, macro- and meso-approaches to the study of social barriers to sustainable transport. Giulio Mattioli

Giulio set out what might be thought of as an ‘anatomy’ of car dependence, distinguishing between representations of car dependence as a characteristic of people, places or practices. He went into detail, thinking about the forms of disadvantage that might be involved, depending on the specific interaction between people and places (who has a car, how much does having a car matter, where…

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Talk: Theories, categories and units: collecting and using data on time, mobility and energy demand.

Jillian Anable, Ben Anderson, Jacopo Torriti, and Elizabeth Shove gave a Presentation on Theories, categories and units: collecting and using data on time, mobility and energy demand at the Modelling on the Move Workshop, 13 September 2013.

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