Fluctuations and rhythms of demand – Jillian Anable

Jillian Anable talks about fluctuations and rhythms of demand.

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Dragon breath and snow melt: Sensory experience, know-how and keeping homes warm. Sarah Royston

What does it mean to know about energy?  Since energy is invisible various devices are required to reveal it and make it knowable (meters; or thermometers to measure the effect of energy consumption for temperature).  Different issues arise if we switch focus and ask about the kind of knowing involved in doing things that use energy (operating central heating, collecting and burning wood,…

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Reading Group: 4 February 2014

Our reading group discussed: "Understanding attitudes towards leisure travel and the constraints faced by senior Koreans" by Sun Hee Lee & Carmen Tideswell, Journal of Vacation Marketing 2005 11: 249.  (more…)

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Talk: Timing and Synchronisation of social practices

Presentation on issues of the timing and synchronisation of social practices and the implications for energy and mobility, given at DECC, December 2013.

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How can the UK afford an energy system? Mike Colechin

Mike presented to our largest audience yet, with more watching the live stream online. He took on big questions about the future of the UK energy system, focused in particular on questions of affordability and the need to reconcile these somehow with both sustainability and energy security (the energy policy ‘trilemma’).  (more…)

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