working papers

Working paper 18: The Dynamics of Demand: thinking about steering

Working Paper 18: Louise Reardon, Greg Marsden and Elizabeth Shove, April 2016. This was a discussion paper for participants in the change and steering stream of the DEMAND conference, April 2016  

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Working Paper 3: Categories, Concepts and Units: Representing energy demand in and through time

Working Paper 3: Theme 1, Jillian Anable, Ben Anderson, Elizabeth Shove, Jacopo Torriti, July 2014. Methods of data collection are unavoidably rooted in some sort of theoretical paradigm, and are inextricably tied to an implicit agenda or broad problem framing. These prior orientations are not always explicit, but they matter for what data is collected and how it is used. They also…

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Working Paper 2: Demand by design: how our infrastructure and professions shape what we do

Working Paper 2: Nicola Spurling This essay outlines some initial thoughts on the relationship between end-use practices, infrastructures and the histories, systems, structures and practices of the planning professions.

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Working Paper 1: The timing and societal synchronisation of energy demand

Working paper 1: Theme 1, Giulio Mattioli, Elizabeth Shove and Jacopo Torriti, February 2014. It is increasingly important to know about when energy is used in the home, at work and on the move. Issues of time and timing have not featured strongly in energy policy analysis and in modelling, much of which has focused on estimating and reducing total average annual demand per capita. If…

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