17 December 2013: On 17 December a group of us – Richard, Jan, Guilio, Alison, Elizabeth, Neil and Gordon – discussed Missing carbon reductions? Exploring rebound and backfire effects in UK households by Angela Druckman et al, (Energy Policy, 39, Issue 6, June 2011, Pages 3572–3581) a paper suggested and introduced by Richard . For a summary of the discussion see here
12 November 2013: We discussed ‘Towards a theory of decoupling: degrees of decoupling in the EU and the case of road traffic in Finland between 1970 and 2001‘ by Petri Tapio (Transport Policy 12 (2005) 137–151). For a summary of the discussion see here
22nd October 2013: We discussed a draft of ‘What is energy for? Social practice and energy demand’ by Elizabeth and Gordon, currently submitted to theory, culture and society. For a summary of the discussion see here
2nd October 2013: We discussed the reading ‘Energy and the Evolution of Culture’ by Leslie A. White. For a summary of the discussion see here
25 July 2013: discussion of the reading ‘Energy and Equity‘ by Ivan Illich. For a summary of the discussion see here